G-5 Series Shock & Vibration Test Systems

Up To 4,900m/s2(500G)Shock Tests Possible

A unique structure of light movable mass and large displacement permits for shock tests with quite high acceleration and long duration featured by high fidelity of controlled shock waveforms.

Bump Tests Easily Achieved

Easy setting of the number of times of shock waveforms and interval time makes Bump Tests easily achieved, thus beating conventional Shock Test Machines in a way.

Up to 260mmp-p Displacement Available

The other feature of G-5 Series, large displacement up to 260mmp-p also allows for seismic simulation.


Combined Environmental Test Systems CS Series

Table of models

1. *For low-frequency tests such as seismic simulation, a relevant accelerometer or servo sensor and a low-frequency use charge amplifier are needed (also for seismic tests, relevant foundation is recommended).
2. For the air-cooled systems with a force output of over 20kN, it is recommended that the hot air from the cooling blower be sent to